Standards Mark
The Standards Mark system was established in accordance with the Standards Law, 1953, and operates under the powers granted by the Standards Law, regulations and directives, Standards Directive (Definition of Standards Marks), 1992, and the Standards Directive (Prohibition of Production of Goods) ,1981.
What is a Standards Mark?
The Standards Mark states that each product bearing this mark conforms to the requirements of the standards applicable to the product. It means that the quality and safety set forth in the applicable standards are ensured for this product.
The Standards Mark system grants manufacturers a license to mark a product with the Standards Mark symbol. The license is grantes after the Standards Institution is convinced that the product conforms to the requirements of the applicable standards and that the manufacturer possesses the appropriate means of production, testing devices, and inspection methods to ensure the quality of the products. The Standards Institution regularly supervises the quality management and manufacturing process and tests the products to ensure that the product conforms to the standard.
Who can receive a license to mark a product with a Standards Mark?
Any manufacturer of a product for which the Standards Institution has confirmed that it is manufactured pursuant to the Israeli standards and that the standard has been found compatible for licensing.
Any importer which has an agreement with a manufacturer for the marketing of its products under the importer's name.
Advantages of a Standards Mark for the consumer
A Standards Mark granted to a product attests that the product conforms to the standards, and that quality control is carried out to ensure that the manufacturing processes and the manufacturer’s in-house quality control that all such products are high quality and safe to use.
Advantages of a Standards Mark for the manufacturer
- Obtaining a license to mark a product with a Standards Mark ensures the manufacturer that its product conforms to the requirements set forth in the standard, whether it is a mandatory standard, official standard, or voluntary standard.
- The license also provides the manufacturer with a marketing advantage from the perspective of the consumer.
- A foreign manufacturer that markets its products in Israel may receive a license to mark its products with a Standards Mark, simplifying the import of its products.
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