עבור לתוכן הראשי דלג לאזור חיפוש דלג לבר ניווט ראשי

NTRL certification for the United States and Canada

NRTL = Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

The NTRL is accredited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue certifications and standard marks pursuant to UL/CSA standards for the American and Canadian markets. Each NRTL laboratory issues it own proprietary certification mark.
For example:

לוגו UL                 לוגו TUV  לוגו CSA  לוגו ETL



NTRL certifications involve the performance of annual audits at the plant to validate that the production of the certified products continues to comply with the original certification.

Below is the current list of NTRLs:

The Standards Institution of Israel works with the main NRTLs, and it is always possible to expand the collaboration at a customer's request. Below is a description of the Standards Institution of Israel's activity with the main NRTL units:

UL certification
The Standards Institution of Israel is accredited by UL LLC under the Third Party Test Data Program (TPTDP) for audits of industrial and machinery drivers. Under the agreement, the UL recognizes tests and reports of the Standards Institution of Israel without the need for an UL representative. The accreditation was awarded following a thorough review of the Standards Institution of Israel professionalism and ability to carry out the task at the level required by the UL. The agreement shortens and facilitates UL processes for exporters, saving time and resources.

The Standards Institution of Israel also regularly works with the UL in other sectors, such as

Information technology equipment

Measuring, control, and laboratory equipment

The Electrical and Electronics Laboratory at the Standards Institution of Israel assists exporters in every stage of the process, from locating the market's requirements from the product (the characterization stage), through review of the content and issue of recommendations for the optimal design (the performance stage), to finding solutions to problems that emerge during the process.

TÜV accreditatio
cTÜVus accreditation is the legal equivalent certification for the US and Canada of UL certification. The Standards Institution of Israel has been accredited as Partner Test Lab (PTL) by (TÜV Rheinland) (Technischer Überwachungsverein or Technical Inspection Association) and can quickly assist in obtaining TÜV certification for different types of products, including office equipment, communications equipment, lighting fixtures, measuring equipment, laboratory equipment, and medical devices.

CSA accreditation
The Standards Institution of Israel is the only agency in the country directly accredited by the CSA Group under the Authorized Data Acceptance Program and operates as the CSA agency in Israel.

Under the agreement, the CSA Group recognizes tests and reports of the Standards Institution of Israel without the need for a CSA Group representative and without sending the product to the CSA Group. The accreditation was awarded following a thorough review of the Standards Institution of Israel professionalism and ability to carry out the task at the level required by the CSA Group recognizes. The agreement shortens and facilitates CSA Group recognizes processes for exporters, saving time and resources

Most manufacturers of medical devices choose cCSAus certification for their products. The Standards Institution of Israel also works with the CSA Group in other sectors, such as office, communications, measuring, and laboratory equipment.


For further details:

Dr.Irina Antonov,

Head of MED Devices, Lasers and Electrical Safety Branch,

The Standards Institution of Israel





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